Sunday, February 23, 2025
HomeGeneral NewsCliffe at Hoo - Historical Help needed

Cliffe at Hoo – Historical Help needed

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I’m fortunate enough to live in an extremely historic part of the UK at the mouth of the Thames estuary on the Hoo peninsular. I’ve always had an active interest in the historic landscape and archaeology here and 7 years ago decided to undertake a complete critical assessment.

This involve all recorded information from HER/PAS/NMR and the archived material available from many sources (to many to detail). Site identification from extensive mapping and aerial photos. The problem I am having is with disseminating the vast amount of information, finding comparable sites and help with active investigations.

Much of my work has been peer reviewed by various professionals in different aspects of the study, all agree from the information I’ve forwarded that my conclusion have merit, so I am posting here in the hope that it might excite some interest (from students, local professionals or university’s) with a view to help with digs or advice/site identification.

The following brief statements are just to outline some of the more significant aspects of the landscape here that might be of interest that I could use help with. The study area includes a range of sites and settlements ranging from an Iron Age Civitas; several Roman industrial and administration centers as well as what is suggested to be the first Roman crossing point of the Thames; Anglo Saxon Cathedral priory establishment, assembly places and associated locations; Medieval sites and even a medieval castle; all the way to Post medieval structures that include Lime works and a wartime fort and ammunition factory.

More detail can be found at our (Cliffe At Hoo Historic society website or our more detailed active Facebook group)

If this is of interest then please visit our website to contact us for more details. Just to reiterate I am look for help with the study in general, site identification, active investigations.


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