Wednesday, March 12, 2025
HomeGeneral NewsAncrum Bridge rebuilt - in miniature

Ancrum Bridge rebuilt – in miniature

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Ancrum Bridge comes to life again as a remarkable scale model.   Showing that digital has not yet taken over fully from the skill of a model makers art.

After several months of work, Ben Price of Curious Plum Studios has finished his reconstruction model of Ancrum Old Bridge, located near Jedburgh for the Ancrum and District Heritage Society. Keen observers might recall Ben’s post on the BAJR Facebook page back in November requesting suggestions for a demonstration topic for his work. The project was proposed by Geoff Parkhouse who had this to say about the model:

“I am extremely grateful for the work done by Ben Price on this superb model. It brings to life a long forgotten piece of Scottish History. Through survey and research we had an idea how the bridge may have looked.

Now however, we have an outstanding visual aid to enable us to tell the bridge story, and also help us to understand the nature of the structure. It will fire the imagination of locals and visitors alike.”

The remains of this medieval bridge were only rediscovered by ADHS in 2018. It was strategically very important to Scotland, as it carried the ‘King’s Road’ from Edinburgh to York.

It was apparently also a rare thing, as there are only twelve known bridges recorded in charters for the whole of Scotland up to 1400.


The discovery, dating, recording and research of this monument was the result of the work and co operation of the following bodies: Ancrum and District Heritage Society, Historic Environment Scotland, Wessex Archaeology, Dendrochronicle, SUERC, Scottish Borders Council and the Lothian Estates.  Read more here:

[Ancrum and District Heritage Society (ADHS) is a local volunteer heritage group based in the Scottish Borders ]”

More information about Ben and Curious Plum Studios can be found at their website: and more information about how the project was completed can be found here

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