Tuesday, December 17, 2024
HomeProfessional NewsAnimal Bones and Archaeology Guidelines for Best Practice

Animal Bones and Archaeology Guidelines for Best Practice

Guidance for dealing with archaeological animal bones and teeth, from project planning through to post-excavation.

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These new guidelines aim to promote high professional standards in zooarchaeological practice in project planning, excavation, reporting and archiving.

The guidance supports archaeology advisors, project managers, field staff and zooarchaeologists through outlining the potential of animal bones from archaeological sites, highlighting the importance of archaeological methods and promoting understanding of zooarchaeological reports and datasets.

The guidelines are supported by Supplement 1: Key Reference Resources which is also available to download from the link below

Photograph of an archaeologist excavating animal bones at Stretton Road (Leics). Photo: Albion Archaeology Colour photograph of four pig and wild boar bones showing progressive stages of bone fusion. Photo:  P Baker Black and white photograph of sheep market in Cornwall

This document has been written by Polydora Baker and Fay Worley, with specialist contributions. It is intended as a working document.

Comments and new information are welcomed and should be addressed to polydora.baker@english-heritage.org.uk, fay.worley@english-heritage.org.uk or guidance@english-heritage.org.uk.

Find the free downloads here:  http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/publications/animal-bones-and-archaeology/

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