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HomeSkills TrainingEnvironmental Assessment and Cultural Heritage

Environmental Assessment and Cultural Heritage

This course aims to inform participants about the principles of environmental assessment and its role in managing how the cultural heritage is affected by development, both at strategic and project levels.

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The principles and good practice standards that the course will cover have much wider application than just to the formal environmental assessment processes. It should appeal to anyone with a background or interest in planning and/or heritage conservation, operating in commercial, national agency, local authority, independent and university environments.

Environmental Assessment is a key mechanism for ensuring that development plans, programmes and projects take full account of their effects on the environment, including the cultural heritage. Project-based Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) are now a well-established part of the UK’s development control system, while Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) became obligatory in 2004.

Reviews of coverage of the cultural heritage in EIAs in the UK and Europe, such as the Planarch 2 initiative (2004-6), have shown that there are still many shortcomings in practical application of the EIA process and there are some major issues concerning Strategic EAs and Sustainability Appraisals.

This course will outline the principles of environmental assessment and its role in managing the cultural heritage resource, both at strategic and project level. It will provide participants with hands-on experience of assessing environmental statements and reports, and will present the Planarch good practice guidelines. It will be useful to heritage specialists involved in the planning process, and to regulators, planners and other consultants whose work involves preparing, advising on or using Sustainability Appraisals, SEAs and EIAs for decision making.

Types Day and Weekend
Professional Development
Location Oxford
Address Rewley House 1 Wellington Square Oxford OX1 2JA
Dates Thu 19 to Fri 20 Feb 2015
Time of meeting: 9.30am Thurs – 4.45pm Friday
Number of meetings: 2
Subject area(s) Archaeology
Fees From £370.00
Application status Applications being accepted
Course code O14P252PAR
Course contact If you have any questions about this course, please email or telephone 01865 270380.

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