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HomeGeneral News‘Fenwick treasure’ lecture at firstsite: Saturday 18th April 2015

‘Fenwick treasure’ lecture at firstsite: Saturday 18th April 2015

The Colchester Archaeology Trust will present a 4-part illustrated lecture about the ‘Fenwick treasure’ at firstsite on Saturday 18th April 2015.

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Trust archaeologists found the treasure during our excavation on the site at the Williams & Griffin store last summer. [ Read the BAJR article here]

The 2 hour series of lectures will take place in the Lecture Theatre at firstsite and tickets will then be available to the general public at a cost of £10.00 and about 40 places are still available.( Over 130 Friends of the Colchester Archaeology Trust have already purchased tickets at the reduced cost of £8.00)

Entry will be by ticket only.

The programme consists of:-
1) Boudicca’s coming (Philip Crummy, CAT)
2) The discovery of the treasure (Adam Wightman CAT)
3) The cleaning and conservation of the treasure (Emma Hogarth, Colchester & Ipswich Museums)
4) His, hers, and theirs: a close look at the objects (Nina Crummy. independent small finds specialist)

The lecture will commence at 10.30 a.m. and finish at about 12.30p.m.

To buy your tickets, first email to check they are available. (If you do not have email, then please ‘phone us on 07436273304.)

If the tickets are available, then we will ask you to send a stamped self-addressed envelope with your cheque to the Colchester Archaeological Trust at Roman Circus House, Roman Circus Walk, Colchester, Essex, CO2 7GZ, and to mark the envelope ‘Fenwick Roman treasure lecture’.

Please make the cheque payable to ‘the Friends of CAT’. We will then post your tickets to you.

The image shows the gem intaglio from the hoard, incised with the image of a panther.
The image shows the gem intaglio from the hoard, incised with the image of a panther.


Source: Colchester Archaeology Trust

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