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Professional Training Courses – Oxford

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Professional Training in the Historic Environment 2014


Oxford University Dept of Continuing Education and English Heritage are delighted to present a new programme of professional training courses in the historic environment for 2014. All courses will be held at Rewley House, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford.

Full details of each course can be found  at, or via the links below. We are now linked to the National Occupational Standards that have been developed for archaeologists, and details are given on each course web page.

Investigating First World War Archaeological & Architectural Legacies
Wednesday 5 February 2014; Fees from £195

The aim of this course is to inform curators, field practitioners, consultants, and members of voluntary and community groups of the diverse physical legacy that the war has left in England. It will also introduce a methodology that will allow voluntary groups and individuals to become involved with documenting this legacy; one that is still poorly documented. The course will introduce the study of the physical legacy of the First World War, the range of sites and the types of buildings and structures that might be encountered, and discuss why they hold historical significance.

Social Media in the Historic Environment
Thursday 20 February 2014; Fees from £195.00

The aim of this course is to offer an understanding of how and why historic environment professionals are using social media and to provide an indication of emerging trends. It will give participants the confidence to make their own choices about using social media and to make informed decisions about what social media tools to use and how to use them.

Archaeological Survey using Airborne Lidar
Tuesday 25 February 2014; Fees from £195

Archaeological survey using airborne lidar is a relatively new technique to be added to the toolbox of the archaeological surveyor, and when used in the appropriate circumstances it can reveal archaeological remains in exceptional detail. This course informs historic environment professionals of the potential and practical use of lidar data and lidar-derived imagery for research and heritage management.

Environmental Assessment and the Cultural Heritage
Thursday 27 – Friday 28 February 2014; Fees from £360

This course will outline the principles of environmental assessment and its role in managing the cultural heritage resource, both at strategic and project level. It will provide participants with hands-on experience of assessing environmental statements and reports, and will present the Planarch good practice guidelines. It will be useful to heritage specialists involved in the planning process, and to regulators, planners and other consultants whose work involves preparing, advising on or using Sustainability Appraisals, SEAs and EIAs for decision making.

Digital Data and Archaeology: Management, Preservation and Publishing
Monday 3 – Tuesday 4 March 2014; Fees from £360

Through a series of presentations, practical sessions and group discussions, this course will explore the importance of digital preservation for the long term safety of archaeological data and provide practical guidance on how to prepare, curate, deposit and access digital data. The course will also provide guidance on data publishing online and introduce Linked Open Data for archaeology.

Public Inquiry Workshop
Wednesday 12 – Friday 14 March 2014; Fees from £450

This practical course introduces potential witnesses and advocates to the techniques and procedures of Public Inquiries dealing with the historic environment. Training will be given in the preparation of proofs of evidence and a mock Inquiry will be staged in front of an experienced Inspector and led by practising advocates.

Marine Development and the Historic Environment
Tuesday 18 – Wednesday 19 March 2014; Fees from £360.00

This course aims to provide a detailed understand about the diversity of heritage assets in the marine and coastal environment (designated and non-designated), features and complexes that comprise the historic environment and the methodologies and techniques for analysing, dating and understanding how they might be affected by change in both positive and negative ways. Particular emphasis will be directed at Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and therefore it will appeal to developers who commission EIA and professional consultants who coordinate and produce EIA.

Researching Historic Visual Sources
Thursday 20 March 2014; Fees from £195.00

Visual sources, including maps, topographical views, architectural drawings, plans and early photographs, often provide the most valuable evidence for dating and interpreting historic buildings and sites. This course will introduce the range of material available for British sites from the 16th to the 20th centuries and provide practical and up to date guidance on how this material can be obtained, used and interpreted. Using real case studies, we will examine the contribution historic visual source material can make to our understanding of buildings and sites.

Heritage Values and the Assessment of Significance
Tuesday 25 – Wednesday 26 March 2014; Fees from £360.00

Significance is now a core concept within our planning process. Its assessment is a key part of management and of development within the historic environment. This course will introduce the process, show you what is involved in preparing assessments of significance, teach you how to structure, read and judge such assessments, and explore the ways in which they can be used.

An Introduction to Architecture for Archaeologists
Thursday 3 – Friday 4 April 2014; Fees from £360

This course is an introduction to the development of English historic architecture and provides a simple ‘tool kit’ for archaeologists working on buildings or needing corroborating dating evidence to unravel more extensive sites or landscapes. It will outline approaches to the interpretation of architectural evidence and explore the evolution of architectural styles from the pre-Conquest period to the 20th century. It will also look at a series of key building types – especially churches, polite and vernacular housing, and industrial buildings – highlighting important issues and emphasising the principal characteristics which assist dating.

The Setting of Heritage Assets and Places: Current Approaches
Tuesday 8 – Wednesday 9 April 2014; Fees from £360.00

The setting of buildings, monuments and historic areas is fundamental to how people appreciate the cultural value of historic places, but it is a complex and contentious issue for decision makers. In the context of relatively recent official guidance, this course explains why the setting of historic places matters. It also examines the principles of assessment and decision-making, and provides an opportunity to learn or enhance key practical skills. The course will be of particular interest to those involved with heritage issues in planning decisions, especially major developments affecting sensitive locations.

Conserving and Enhancing Historic Designed Landscapes
Wednesday 21 – Thursday 22 May 2014; Fees from £360

Registered parks and gardens now have the same planning policy status as listed buildings and scheduled monuments. This course looks at impacts of developments on the significance of historic designed landscapes – both registered sites and sites of local significance – and how to define substantial harm to sites and their settings and views. The course will also discuss how to develop an informed approach and English Heritage’s conservation principles for historic parks and gardens. There will be a site visit to look at settings and views issues. The course will be of particular interest to conservation officers and others engaged in garden and landscape conservation, including property managers.

Stable Isotope Analysis of Human and Animal Bone
Friday 23 May 2014; Fees from £195

Stable isotopic analysis of skeletal remains is a rapidly developing area of archaeological methodology and is starting to become a core component of the analysis of skeletal material from archaeological sites. This course aims to provide an up to date summary of the potential of stable isotope studies of human and faunal skeletal remains from archaeological sites, illustrated by case studies mainly from Britain.

Building Survey Week: analysing and recording historic buildings
Monday 26 – Friday 30 May 2014: Fees from £545

This popular and long-running course provides a general introduction to the understanding of historic buildings through the medium of observation, investigation, measured survey, photography, analysis and interpretation. Participants will be introduced to a range of approaches to the analysis and interpretation of architectural evidence, building recording methodologies suitable for a range of circumstances, the techniques and tools of measured survey, the production of measured drawings, and technical and practical issues in architectural photography.

Making use of Historic Landscape Characterisation
Wednesday 11 June 2014; Fees from £195

This course reviews where we currently are with various forms of historic characterisation in England, discusses how they are being utilised at present, and how they may develop and be used in the future. The course is aimed at all those with an interest in the understanding, management, protection and presentation of the English historic landscape.

Developing Participation in Community Archaeology
Friday 13 June 2014; Fees from £195

Community archaeology is evolving beyond more traditional approaches. Recent projects have drawn a range of people into active participation in the entire archaeological process. But such community projects are not straightforward to run. This course will provide information and ideas to help archaeologists design, launch and sustain community archaeology projects that involve diverse communities in archaeological work of all kinds.

Aerial Photography: Archaeological Interpretation and Mapping for Research and Heritage Protection
Wednesday 9 – Thursday 10 July 2014; Fees from £360

This course will provide the participants with the skills and knowledge to use aerial photographs and to understand where aerial photography and air photo mapping might be used alongside other investigative techniques in the management of the historic environment. It will also enable the user to get the most out of the air photo collections available to them and to make informed decisions when commissioning work.

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