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HomeSkills TrainingThe Lost Tomb of Robert the Bruce

The Lost Tomb of Robert the Bruce

Robert the Bruce was King of Scotland from 1309 until his death in 1329. The famous warrior king led Scotland to victory in the Scottish Wars of Independence and is now considered a national hero. ‘The Bruce’ was buried in the choir of Dunfermline Abbey and his grave marked by an impressive gilded white marble tomb imported from Paris. The tomb was lost in the turmoil of the Reformation era, but a grave and fragments of carved and gilded stone, believed to be those of the vanished tomb, were found in 1818 and later given to Scottish museums and collections.

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The colloquium will interrogate the new research that has informed the process of archaeological reconstruction and use of 3D digital modelling that has created a detailed visualisation of the long lost tomb of Robert the Bruce (1274-1329) in its original setting.

Organised in association with the 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn, the associated Hunterian exhibition reunites surviving fragments from the lost tomb for the first time since their discovery almost 200 years ago.

The identification of these remains and the design of the royal tomb have long been the subject of debate but to mark the 1314 Bannockburn anniversary, a consortium of Scottish heritage bodies, has been working to reconstruct the lost tomb in its historic setting. Leading researchers involved in the project will be sharing their discoveries and debating their interpretations at the colloquium.

The Lost Tomb of Robert the Bruce is collaboration between The Royal Commission for Ancient and Historic Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Historic Scotland, The Hunterian (University of Glasgow), the National Museums of Scotland, Fife Cultural Trust, the Abbotsford Trust, the National Records of Scotland and the Digital Design Studio (Glasgow School of Art).

Download the programme for “The Lost Tomb of Robert the Bruce”.

Tickets: Available for purchase soon. Ticket Price includes teas, coffees and light lunch.

Cost: Standard Adult: £30.00, Historic Scotland Member: £27.00, & Student: £20.00

DATE: 10 November 2014
LOCATION: University of Glasgow Concert Hall, Gilbert Scott Building, Glasgow, G12 8QQ.

ENTRY: £30.00
CONTACT: For further information please contact Amy-Beth Johnson or telephone 0131 668 8683.
TYPE: Conference
CATEGORY: Structures & Components Materials Emerging Technologies

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