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HomeGeneral NewsThree more Open Access Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports are published

Three more Open Access Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports are published

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Three new Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports(SAIR ) are now available, Open Access, through ADS. SAIR publishes and records significant excavation reports and large-scale surveys on a Trusted Data Repository, ensuring current and future access to this important material. The latest collection presents findings from excavations in Edinburgh, Argyll and Forres.

The latest papers to be added to our Open Access collection, which publishes significant excavation reports and large-scale surveys, present the results of an extensive sequence of archaeological investigations from the landscape of Loch Tay; the discovery of two Early Bronze Age cists near Stonehaven; and the unearthing of prehistoric features on Knocknagael Farm near Inverness. For more details, and to access the papers, please see the details below.

SAIR 62 Ben Lawers: An Archaeological Landscape in Time. Results from the Ben Lawers Historic Landscape Project, 1996-2005
This volume presents the results of archaeological investigations between 1996 and 2005, carried out as part of the Ben Lawers Historic Landscape Project, a multi-disciplinary project based on north Loch Tayside in the Central Highlands of Scotland. Archaeological surveys and excavations formed the core of the Ben Lawers Project, but many other disciplines also contributed to researching this landscape. Some of these partner projects are reported here, while others have been presented elsewhere (Tipping et al 2009), and some have formed part of doctoral research projects (Watters 2007). The results of the 13 field seasons, particularly the nine evaluation and excavation seasons, together with the results of the partner projects, specialist studies and scientific analyses, have provided a body of evidence which permits the story of the land of Lawers to be told. The historical continuum in that story can be used to curate and manage this landscape for generations to come.

SAIR 63 Excavation of two Early Bronze Age Short Cists and a Prehistoric Pit at Lindsayfield, near Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire
Two short cists of Early Bronze Age date, containing prehistoric flint artefacts and shale/cannel coal beads, were discovered during topsoiling operations for the Aberdeen to Lochside Natural Gas Pipeline, to the south of Lindsayfield, near Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire. Cremated human bone from one of the cists was radiocarbon dated to the first half of the 2nd millennium BC. A pit which contained broadly contemporary prehistoric flint artefacts and pottery was found nearby. The fieldwork and post-excavation work were funded by National Grid Transco.

SAIR 64 Relieving Floods, Revealing History: Early Prehistoric Activity at Knocknagael Farm, Inverness
A programme of archaeological work prior to the construction of a flood-relief channel at Knocknagael Farm, south-west of Inverness, revealed a series of prehistoric features including pits, hearths, fire-spots and possible structural features. Finds included sherds from a Neolithic bowl and a Bronze Age cordoned urn. Palaeo-botanical remains were present in many features and included the carbonised remains of cereal grains including naked six-row barley and spelt. Radiocarbon dating revealed that activity at the site ranged from the 7th millennium BC to the 1st millennium AD. This is one of the earliest dates yet obtained from the Culduthel valley, which has already produced much evidence of prehistoric activity including the high-status Iron Age site of Culduthel Farm (Highland HER MHG49950).

Remember, all SAIR papers are published Open Access and are freely available to read at ADS! You can see the full list of previous publications here.

If you are interested in submitting a paper to SAIR, please view our guidelines for authors, or contact the Managing Editor.


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