These are an ideal introduction or refresher for anyone with an interest in the field.
Understanding Zooarchaeology I: 7th-9th September 2015
Exploring Palaeoenvironments: 10th-11th September 2015
£180/£120 (student/unwaged) each course
£220/£330 (student/unwaged) for both courses
The courses will include lectures, discussions and hands on practical
classes. Participants will begin to develop the skills necessary to:
• Understand the principles of excavating animal bones.
• Care for and store bones after excavation.
• Identify different species from their bones and teeth.
• Age and sex bones.
• Recognise taphonomy, butchery and pathology.
• Understand how zooarchaeological material is analysed and quantified.
• Analyse faunal remains and understand their value as palaeoenvironmental indicators.
• Investigate the role of pollen and charcoal as indicators of environmental conditions.
• Understand and employ the geoarchaeological evidence in palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.
• Understand the role of traditional and modern archaeological analytical techniques (e.g. stable isotope analysis) for reconstructing past climatic conditions and vegetation.
• Integrate the zooarchaeological, archaeobotanical and geoarchaeological evidence for the reconstruction of environmental conditions faced by past communities.
For further information please see:
You can contact us at:
We have had excellent feedback from participants on past courses. Andrew
Lawson, Trainee Biological Curator at Manchester Museum,
who attended one of our previous courses gives his review in his blog:
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