distinctive regional traditions - Wax - 4th July 2012
Wonder if they conserved those egg shells and then tried to put some back together again. Might be interesting to know what type of chickens they came from}
distinctive regional traditions - Unitof1 - 4th July 2012
but if you apply which came first I am not sure that you can infer that they came from a chicken
(but if they did it would be nice if it was an Araucana)
distinctive regional traditions - CARTOON REALITY - 4th July 2012
Quote:Wonder if they conserved those egg shells and then tried to put some back together again. Might be interesting to know what type of chickens they came from
Golden geese.
distinctive regional traditions - P Prentice - 4th July 2012
Dinosaur Wrote:on the other hand the results can be pretty amazing when you bother sorting it all out - little things like eg when a major Roman road was built, cuts through all the c*** in the literature. Helps having a big and well-dateable finds assemblage of course (good stuff, samian in large quantities, especially the signed stuff) and specialists who can be bothered to sort out all the residuality issues etc, but sorting out the strat in the first place definitely helps, you should try it one day
done a bit - also done other peoples and got entirely different sequences. in fact turned to statistical modelling to see how many variables there were! jackanory
distinctive regional traditions - Dinosaur - 4th July 2012
At the risk of :face-topic:, and not having time to back-track through all the pages of this thread, did someone throw in the suggestion at some point that pits tend to have pot in closer to major monuments and less so further away? - has anyone suggested that anywhere in the 'literature' anywhere, or any handy pers. comms or examples?
Sorry Unit, that bit of the site didn't make the period-cut for Vol 1, although there was a threat that Vol 2 might appear at some point. Not sure about 10,000s of eggs, four or five goes quite a long way in a pit fill, not that we ever get any up around here, bone's rare enough and dissolving pot a common problem (especially the afore-mentioned red shiny stuff). Oh, don't regard digging on chalk as hard, try gravel-filled in gravel, with gravel-filled postpipes 'cutting' the gravel fill, now that's fun...but always get some scientific dating to back you up
distinctive regional traditions - Jack - 5th July 2012
I have to say I'm shocked at the last few pages of 'why bother phasing your features nonsense.'
Seem commercialism has taken its toll. Or is it people can't be bothered with the evidence in their scrabble for a good story or the pay cheque at the end.
Archaeology is a destructive process. If you don't record something fundamental like the relationships between features then that information is lost forever.
Its one of the most basic principles of digging..................
Shame on you all.
distinctive regional traditions - Unitof1 - 5th July 2012
Quote:then that information is lost forever
rather than how is pointless information is kept for ever. I think that sometime in the medieval period there was a boom in taking money by the church to say prays for the dead-every year for ever,did it last no then people took to putting their monicas onto grave stones whch crumbled and the graveyards have been built over but our Jack is going to save the relationship of two indistinct medieval pits distinguished by the tipping angle of egg shell "forever". How you going to do that, public money, put it in a bank
must dash for the pay cheque at the end.
basic principle
distinctive regional traditions - P Prentice - 5th July 2012
Dinosaur Wrote:At the risk of :face-topic:, and not having time to back-track through all the pages of this thread, did someone throw in the suggestion at some point that pits tend to have pot in closer to major monuments and less so further away? - has anyone suggested that anywhere in the 'literature' anywhere, or any handy pers. comms or examples?
Cleal 1984 BAR 163, & Cranbourne 1991
Bradley 1984 Social Foundations etc & Cranbourne i think
distinctive regional traditions - P Prentice - 5th July 2012
Jack Wrote:Or is it people can't be bothered with the evidence in their scrabble for a good story or the pay cheque at the end.
over machining trenches is a more heinous crime and mutilating intersections was what we was talking about
distinctive regional traditions - Dinosaur - 5th July 2012
P Prentice Wrote:Cleal 1984 BAR 163, & Cranbourne 1991
Bradley 1984 Social Foundations etc & Cranbourne i think
Cheers! :face-approve::face-approve: