The most minging/heavenly hut tucker - Diggergirl - 20th January 2010
Students who had to prepare our lunch sandwiches during a dig made everyone cheese and peanut butter sandwiches. Yes, together. THEY thought it a treat and ate heartily. We tried and failed miserably even though we were fairly hungry...
No need to mention, the next morning they were supervised while preparing the field lunches...
The most minging/heavenly hut tucker - Smaze - 20th January 2010
Another good one if you’re blessed with such facility’s in a site hut is Soya Sauce liberally applied to toast….:face-stir:.real yum yum in my tum, and I’m not a fan of soya sauce.
The most minging/heavenly hut tucker - chainoffools - 20th January 2010
Friend of mine used to have microwaveable kebabs for breakfast, that he'd buy form the garage on the way to site in the morning. nothing like that just microwaved smell to greet you when you walked into the site hut at first break...