CSCS PQPs card - september deadline - Weegie - 1st June 2010
Chrysalis wrote Quote:
The right hand knows not what the left hand doth...
- true enough, but not in this case, I think. I've checked with a couple of colleagues on the Conservation and Training side, and they confirmed that this relates to building/craft skills for repair or restoration, not buildings historians or archaeologists. It is intended as an assurance for those commissioning work that the person/company commissioned is competent in historic masonry techniques, carpentry, thatching, plastering and so on - but not historic building analysis.
Hope this helps,
CSCS PQPs card - september deadline - BAJR - 1st June 2010
Thanks... sounds like that is comprehensively cleared up.
CSCS PQPs card - september deadline - chrysalis - 3rd June 2010
Thanks for looking this up Brian - however it is specifically the PQP card we're talking about not the heritage skills card which is for plasterers etc. I did ask and apparantly it applies to all professionally qualified persons wishing to go onto site. If you are certain that this is not required then all well and good however.