CSCS card - The Academically Qualified Person (AQP) card....whats your degree title? - kevin wooldridge - 13th November 2014
Sith Wrote:The one thing I will say about CSCS cards and their equivalents is that they cannot do anything to assess common sense. Despite the cards and tests, inductions, toolbox talks and informal discussions, a colleague still had to turf a digger out of a 1m diameter by 2m deep pit earlier this year. I'm not sure what was more concerning; the digger's lack of common sense, or the fact that nobody else on site (supervisors included) had thought to question it.
I suspect that this is the real problem with the whole CSCS could be accused of perpetuating an idea that H&S is the responsibility of some unseen but all-knowing corporate, rather than the actual persons on site. As somebody wrote earlier, on joint occupancy sites that could result in nothing more than card checking rather than co-operative efforts to create a safe and healthy work environment.....
CSCS card - The Academically Qualified Person (AQP) card....whats your degree title? - Marc Berger - 14th November 2014
i think that health and safety means money to all the wrong people. What people want is a system which financially benefits anybody who spots a problem. As it stands HS is run on the premise that we are all in a cooperative group hug. Its like a religion of novices in something called the cscs. If you see something dangerous or somebody doing something dangerous you still have to think twice about what the implications of pointing it out are. You are most likely pointing out something that should have be seen by some management and quite possibly somebody else's management who might be contracting you or your company. All you are doing is pointing out that somebody else is a thicko and people and groups dont like being called thickos.
What I think should happen is that people are given red cards by the management when they go on site which they can write what they think is unsafe and hand them over to the management. If the management committee agree the card giver automatically gets £100 tax free paid out of an hse insurance fund. They could even think of handing out cards to passers by as well.
CSCS card - The Academically Qualified Person (AQP) card....whats your degree title? - Dinosaur - 14th November 2014
Marc Berger Wrote:What I think should happen is that people are given red cards by the management when they go on site which they can write what they think is unsafe and hand them over to the management. If the management committee agree the card giver automatically gets £100 tax free paid out of an hse insurance fund. They could even think of handing out cards to passers by as well.
Round here they're call 'Don't walk by cards', and yes, there are prizes
CSCS card - The Academically Qualified Person (AQP) card....whats your degree title? - kevin wooldridge - 14th November 2014
Hate to say it but Marc is right on the button....There are a number of Dont Walk By campaigns running, such as this one publicised by HSE. I also remember similar 'prize' H&S campaigns being run by CTRL during the early Noughties...where you got a small prize (hand tape, T shirt, key ring, mug etc) for every toolbox talk attended
CSCS card - The Academically Qualified Person (AQP) card....whats your degree title? - Dinosaur - 14th November 2014
Suspect my latest one about moving the 'mind the wading bird' signs to where the wading birds actually are currently won't make me rich