Bar to self-employment. - Jack - 19th April 2010
RedEarth Wrote:Indeed, although how many other bodies representing archaeologists are there that have access to such lists, apart from BAJR of course... has BAJR been corrupted by this power?
Bar to self-employment. - RedEarth - 19th April 2010
Dinosaur Wrote:Why not let the CBA do it, they're meant to be a neutral party, or is that just getting silly? :p
I'm not sure that would fall within their remit.
Bar to self-employment. - RedEarth - 19th April 2010
Dirty Boy Wrote:Compare the
We even have a cuddly badger mascot who could front an advertising campaign!
Only if his catchphrase could be 'Samples'!
Oh my sides!
Bar to self-employment. - RedEarth - 19th April 2010
Jack Wrote:............................Yes
Careful, he does read this forum occassionally!
Bar to self-employment. - Jack - 19th April 2010
It's Ok, freedom of speech and that.............besides David knows my mind.}
Bar to self-employment. - BAJR - 19th April 2010
In ten years I have made few mistakes, as I listen to wise council.. and those mistakes have been dealt with ... some folk think they are smarter than me, and that may be the case... but fortunately I am the man with many brains... BAJRites, lawyers, curators, consultants, diggers, union reps and more. Power may corrupt... but then silence is often golden..
Shamples shhhk
Bar to self-employment. - Jack - 19th April 2010
We are all corrupt, we are moulded by our experiences, led by those we idolise and those that idolise us. The scientific holy grail of objectivity is just as elusive as the true grail.
We all have our own agendas, even if we aren't aware of them.
To put all the power in the hands of a single body is a recipe for disaster..........just look at the USSR.
BAJR Wrote:I am the man with many brains... BAJRites, lawyers, curators, consultants, diggers, union reps and more.
So I'm glad that your sensibly of many minds. We progress through discorse, if this discorse is are we.
Listen to the monkey..'caught between his brain and his tail' :o)
Bar to self-employment. - Steven - 19th April 2010
Approved Contractors Lists are common fact of life for Tree Surgeons and can be found on many district council wbsites. As for the IFA deciding lists, isn't it better that an officer acting on behalf of elected officials (elected by local pople) produces a list rather than an unaccounatble organisation? After all if somebody had a problem with a local list they can write to the elected member to comlain, but if they were not a member of the IFA they would have no recourse.
Local planning authorities are indepandant governing bodies, ran by elected memebrs on behalf of local people, so in terms of accountability, local knowledge and understanding of local economics I would argue that LPAs have a legitimate right to produce a list if they believe it to be in the best interest of local people (and by extension local people's archaeological heritage).
Far from being a bar to self-employment, local lists could be the way smaller films are offered smaller projects within their local area. If you think about it leaving it up to the yellow pages route means whoever has the largest advertising budget gets the most jobs!
Bar to self-employment. - kevin wooldridge - 19th April 2010
Jack Wrote:To put all the power in the hands of a single body is a recipe for disaster..........just look at the USSR.
Now I would be a little impressed if as an archaeologist you had said... 'To put all the power in the hands of a single body is a recipe for disaster..........look at the Greek city state, the Roman senate or the tyrant Caesar' ..... but that tired old cliche lifted straight from from the rant pages of the Daily Mail.....nah!!
Bar to self-employment. - kevin wooldridge - 19th April 2010
Steven Wrote: After all if somebody had a problem with a local list they can write to the elected member to comlain, but if they were not a member of the IFA they would have no recourse.
I don't disagree Steven with your thoughts on local democracy....but to just to correct one slight error. You do not have to be a member of the IFA to make a complaint against an IFA member. The disciplinary procedure can be triggered by anyone who has a grievance against an IFA member based upon the IFA code of conduct. That could be a developer, sponsor or member of the general public.
Of course one of the problems with the concept of IFA lists is that they would/could only contain the names of indiivdual IFA members or Registered Archaeological Organisations, as the IFA is unable to make sanctions against non-IFA members. At the end of the day that is the real reason why a 'listing' scheme as has been proposed cannot work....The same with the CBA..