How many archaeologists, how many firms? - kevin wooldridge - 24th July 2006
Does anyone know of any further research undertaken or articles written in response to the IFA 2003 'Profiling the Profession' estimate of 5000 UK archaeological staff working for approximately 770 employers? Both figures seem a tad high to me.....
How many archaeologists, how many firms? - lucy78green - 28th July 2006
is it field archaeologists or does it count pencil pushers too?
How many archaeologists, how many firms? - Tile man - 28th July 2006
Profiling the profession (2002/3) can be found at
The figures for employing organisations and number of archaeologists (estimated at 5712) are on page 19-20 & table 15. The methodology of how these figures were arrived at is in ch 2.