21st June 2012, 09:28 AM
The outline business case presents a vision for the Somerset
Heritage Service. This describes ensuring sustainable heritage
services in Somerset that protect, promote, celebrate, and make
accessible the heritage of Somerset. It presents a vision of
integrated heritage services that manage the interface with
heritage land assets better. It should promote effective
partnerships and create opportunities for income generation.
The service model options considered in the Outline Business
Case are:
1. To keep the service in-house.
2. To externalise the service to a local authority owned and
controlled company.
3. To create an alternative model for heritage services that can
achieve the vision for services.
Read all the reports. if you can... ...
Item 8
So is this an opportunity? or a disaster? Could they survive as an external body? Is privatisation of core services that really should not be subject to commercial business models. ( what value heritage? )
Would appreciate some considered thought
Heritage Service. This describes ensuring sustainable heritage
services in Somerset that protect, promote, celebrate, and make
accessible the heritage of Somerset. It presents a vision of
integrated heritage services that manage the interface with
heritage land assets better. It should promote effective
partnerships and create opportunities for income generation.
The service model options considered in the Outline Business
Case are:
1. To keep the service in-house.
2. To externalise the service to a local authority owned and
controlled company.
3. To create an alternative model for heritage services that can
achieve the vision for services.
Read all the reports. if you can... ...
Item 8
So is this an opportunity? or a disaster? Could they survive as an external body? Is privatisation of core services that really should not be subject to commercial business models. ( what value heritage? )
Would appreciate some considered thought