9th December 2005, 10:54 AM
A large area of one of the scheduled monuments here was de-scheduled when EH realised that it had been ploughed, and had been since before the original scheduling. This wasn't in response to development pressure though, just that they didn't wan't to protect an area of undefined archaeology. However this was a medieval site and things are a little different for prehistoric sites, but not different enough to schedule a huge area of undefined landscape when it probably wont even protect it from destruction (e.g. by ploughing).
On the subject of new legislation, it won't happen. There is currently a review going on about changing the heritage legislation but if you hold your breath you will suffocate long before anything happens [xx(]. As far as I know they haven't even booked time for the house of parliment to discuss any suggestions of change, let alone produce a draft document.
On the subject of new legislation, it won't happen. There is currently a review going on about changing the heritage legislation but if you hold your breath you will suffocate long before anything happens [xx(]. As far as I know they haven't even booked time for the house of parliment to discuss any suggestions of change, let alone produce a draft document.