Hurting back posted -
"I don't know the ends and outs of this situation, but is it possible that the two units are in some sort of framework or joint venture agreement which requires them not to undermine each other or take advange of information which would damage one or the other in a competitive environment? In this situation the companies may require each other not to pursue staff in such a way as to undermine the agreement, but it may not actually prohibit anyone (as individuals) from applying with whoever they want? Run this through the rumour mill and it may sound more sinister than it is...obviously enlighten me should this not reflect the situation."
The case in question is actually slightly different - we are not talking about units actively pursuing staff we are talking about individuals working for one company applying for jobs advertised by another. When the staff applied for these jobs they had no idea that an agreement existed as it was never publicised.
The other company was offering much better wages and a range of levels of employment and in this situation no one wants to feel that they are being paid less than another person doing the same job on a different stretch of the pipeline, and to be aware that you have no option to improve your situation by leaving.
But as bajr has said this situation has been resolved - but it does show the power anonymous diggers can have if they do things properly.
Whistleblowing can improve the profession just make sure you check with David first, but take this as a call to arms - if we want improvements dont spend your breaks winging in the tea hut do something about it!
And many thanks to David for his help from all involved - once again hes come through for us :face-stir: