20th February 2012, 01:50 PM
P Prentice Wrote:what is this crazy talk - typology has never been used as a means of dating
See ERA 11, Rigby, V. (2004) ?Pots in Pits?, East Riding Archaeologist 11, Hull
Also the east Yorkshire square barrows are largely 'dated' by typological reference to brooches etc. Think only 4 radiocarbon dates exist (so far) for hundreds of excavated barrows.
I know, technically typology isn't used to 'date' anything directly, but by inference. I've even seen a published argument where the author ignored a radiocarbon date as it didn't match the 'accepted' date for a brooch (which was typologically assigned).
Furthermore, the whole 3 age system is a form of typological dating, with things like microliths indicating mesolithic activity, pottery later activity etc...............masking the whole fact that objects from these 'set' time periods can be contemporary.