7th June 2013, 08:59 AM
Fieldwalking Team Leader (minimum of 6 months fieldwalking experience)
AHRC-funded Early urbanism in Europe? Project (Co-PI John Chapman, Durham). International, inter-disciplinary team investigating the origins of European urbanism in Eastern Europe. Main fieldwork focus - mega-site of Nebelivka, a Late Neolithic Tripillia mega-site (250ha size); also happening - excavations, test-pitting, coring, palaeo-environmental programme.
Leader of team of 6 (leader + 5 students) to walk in systematic transects, with GPS recording and post-FW GIS plotting, in the hinterland (5-km radius) of Nebelivka.
5-week field season, with one day off per week; need to be in Kiev by Saturday 13th July; back to Kiev on Saturday 17th August.
Provided: transport to site; accommodation and 3 meals per day; £15 per day honorarium.
You pay for your flights (WizzAir flights to Kiev) full costs refunded at end of project.
I would do this... I mean seriously... I would! If I could!