19th March 2009, 09:16 PM
I see no problem with minimum paygrades for various levels within specific industries. In this way an employer is free to pay above the award if they wish to retain specific staff, greater experience etc. As Peter has pointed out, staff make up the most of the cost outlay with running a business(of any type). Hence major layoffs during downturns in the economy. Further, well run businesses should also be factoring further price increases in wages as well as other general rises in business expenses (not telling anyone out there how to suck eggs!). A general push to increase wages moderately during this crunch should be possible as archaeological work is still required to be carried out even in a downturn. The main fear is that units will seriously undercut each other to get work. Greater operating efficiency is required as well as diversification is standard business practice in a recession. I think any units seriously undercutting others to get work are not doing themselves any favours and are operating very close to the wall.