7th May 2009, 12:31 PM
Have you considered that it might not be British Archaeology or the website you are making that is the problem but the way you approach things.
I demand this etc.. they wont accept this blah blah blah. HERS are covered by the freedom of information act and are funded from local govt and therefore are not in a position to agree to terms that they cannot legally adhere to.
If we have a record on a system to an eight figure grid reference then, is asked under a FOI request, we CANNOT refuse to give it without a good reason. A third party agreement with your website would not cut it in a court of law, look at the mess West Ham got into.
<< EDIT Hosty does not like provocative signatures... you were asked politely to remove.. now I have done it for you.
You have a problem... call me.
I have left the rest of you post in relation to free speech and allowing opinions >>
I demand this etc.. they wont accept this blah blah blah. HERS are covered by the freedom of information act and are funded from local govt and therefore are not in a position to agree to terms that they cannot legally adhere to.
If we have a record on a system to an eight figure grid reference then, is asked under a FOI request, we CANNOT refuse to give it without a good reason. A third party agreement with your website would not cut it in a court of law, look at the mess West Ham got into.
<< EDIT Hosty does not like provocative signatures... you were asked politely to remove.. now I have done it for you.
You have a problem... call me.
I have left the rest of you post in relation to free speech and allowing opinions >>