15th August 2009, 03:48 PM
I would also highly recommend getting in touch with Vince Russett and North Somerset Council, contact details can be found at http://www.n-somerset.gov.uk/archaeology . He's helped about 12 local community archaeology groups get set up and the first one has been going about 8 years or so now. In addition to that another group has successfully applied for HLF funding and has brand new geophysics equipment for all the projects they're planning to do. Also contact some of these thriving groups, such as CHERT (Charterhouse Environs Research Team), YCCCART (Yatton, Clevedon, Claverham and Congresbury Archaeological Research Team), NEAT (Nailsea Environs Archaeological Team), all of which *should* be on the BAJR local groups section. If not let me know and I'll get hold of contact details for you. They're all really friendly and nice people so they should be able to give you some advice.