3rd June 2004, 04:19 PM
Well done, invisible man, for injecting a dose of reality! Local Authorities are increasingly far-removed from the real world, and should not be taken as a model for anything, especially how to organise a profession. I have found that people who have worked for any length of time in a local authority unit have a certain attitude - work only from 09.00 to 17.00 (or earlier on Fridays), must have certain number/length of teabreaks, cannot do anything remotely on their own initiative etc. I admit that this is an over-generalisation, but contains some truth.
In a free market, the idea of a fixed pay scale is utter nonsense. Yes there should be minimums.
As invisible man points out, we do have a captive client base. However, until everyone agrees to raise their prices and wages, then nothing will happen. Instead, there is a need for
In a free market, the idea of a fixed pay scale is utter nonsense. Yes there should be minimums.
As invisible man points out, we do have a captive client base. However, until everyone agrees to raise their prices and wages, then nothing will happen. Instead, there is a need for