22nd September 2004, 08:14 PM
To be picky
"no costs are ever seen by the County Curator." This should read costs are not generally seen by curators.
Curators do see costs/resources at least in England. It is common practice for them to see the number of days labourt which is involved and thus is an indirect indication of costs. If a section 106 agreement is signed the amount to be spent on archaeology will often be stated. The curator also sees costs if the authourity is the developer and in effect they are an in house consultant.
The "unexpected" is actually defined in PPG 16 and the Scottish equivalents as well as the process. It does not say that more work must automatically be done or that the curator can require it. Both sides are expected to compromise.
"no costs are ever seen by the County Curator." This should read costs are not generally seen by curators.
Curators do see costs/resources at least in England. It is common practice for them to see the number of days labourt which is involved and thus is an indirect indication of costs. If a section 106 agreement is signed the amount to be spent on archaeology will often be stated. The curator also sees costs if the authourity is the developer and in effect they are an in house consultant.
The "unexpected" is actually defined in PPG 16 and the Scottish equivalents as well as the process. It does not say that more work must automatically be done or that the curator can require it. Both sides are expected to compromise.