6th July 2005, 11:00 PM
Is there any other profession that asks for a degree, lots of experience, multi skills and a willingness to take home 2oo squid a week? On top of that, two references and application packs? We are an itinerent casual/temporary work force on short term contracts. Most of which have formed the masse of work I have found in the past 8 years. I work nation/worldwide sometimes on extremely short contracts, if potential employers interpret this as being "unemployable/incompetent" then we have a bit of a problem. Would you agree- if the IFA system of accreditation is clearly inadequate as a means of validation and, rafts of references are now required-where do we go next? Am I to approach my boss for a reference after completing only a short term of service with him or her simply to satisfy the needs of a potential employer? On this basis, units would have to employ full-time reference writers. Since when does a reference after a month or so` work constitute a valid reflection of a workers abilities? And yes indeedy! We moan about everything!!! Especially the see-through toilet paper that spreads it up yer back......