20th December 2005, 03:48 PM
I'm cynical about IIP from bitter experience. It is bullsh*t in my opinion and its CPD element merely duplicates pretty much that in the RAO scheme. Speaking as an employee of a private company and an RAO we simply don't have the time or money to waste on something that duplicates something we already do. Ironbridge Archaeology as part of a museums trust has I suspect merely undertaken IIP because the trust as an entity has - in common with county units etc. I'm quite happy with the CPD at the company I work for as it comes up to the RAO standards which are pretty good and well thought out. If you want to phone us up on 01908 608989 and ask us how happy we are feel free. I'm sure your staff are very happy too what with their new IIP rosette on their letterhead but personally I'll stick with ASC with a weeks pay as bonus and christmas week off.
Right wing, metal detectorist antiquarian (retired).
Right wing, metal detectorist antiquarian (retired).