30th December 2005, 12:30 AM
Thankyou Beery-good to have you back by the way! There must be a way to stop these parasites...
On the Troll front-I typed "troll" into Google fer a giggle a while ago and found it to be a term for internet sh*tstirrers so to speak! Had no idea! I got the nickname after some Australian archies took a series of photos of my ugly head sticking out of a subteraenean tomb in Cyprus Oh well, I suppose the Google definition aint too far from reality!!! Trolling trolling trolling...rawhide.......[:I]
On the Troll front-I typed "troll" into Google fer a giggle a while ago and found it to be a term for internet sh*tstirrers so to speak! Had no idea! I got the nickname after some Australian archies took a series of photos of my ugly head sticking out of a subteraenean tomb in Cyprus Oh well, I suppose the Google definition aint too far from reality!!! Trolling trolling trolling...rawhide.......[:I]