1st January 2006, 02:49 AM
Well, as you know, I'm not a curator, but I've got some relevant ideas.
Firstly, curators are not necessarily interested in ensuring IFA standards are adhered to. Many of them are not members, and therefore presumably don't entirely endorse the IFA and/or its standards.
The core of what curators are interested in, so far as I understand it, is three things:
1 - get their voice heard and attended to in planning decisions;
2 - where permission is granted, get appropriate planning conditions imposed;
3 - ensure that the planning conditions are properly discharged.
They are interested in other things, but they are mostly subordinate to the above (any curators out there - is this about right?).
To achieve no. 3 above, they usually need a WSI. They can, if they wish, insist that the WSI is written to IFA standards and stipulates that the work it describes must be done to IFA standards. Then, if the work is not done to scratch (and the failures are spotted), it could be deemed a breach of the planning consent.
to let, fully furnished
Firstly, curators are not necessarily interested in ensuring IFA standards are adhered to. Many of them are not members, and therefore presumably don't entirely endorse the IFA and/or its standards.
The core of what curators are interested in, so far as I understand it, is three things:
1 - get their voice heard and attended to in planning decisions;
2 - where permission is granted, get appropriate planning conditions imposed;
3 - ensure that the planning conditions are properly discharged.
They are interested in other things, but they are mostly subordinate to the above (any curators out there - is this about right?).
To achieve no. 3 above, they usually need a WSI. They can, if they wish, insist that the WSI is written to IFA standards and stipulates that the work it describes must be done to IFA standards. Then, if the work is not done to scratch (and the failures are spotted), it could be deemed a breach of the planning consent.
to let, fully furnished