18th February 2006, 03:11 PM
In my experience of units, most have a copy of SCAUM tucked away somewhere in the bowels of the office.... As most field staff are exactly that 'Field Based' they do not have much opportunity to see this document. Certainly, it is not brought to their awarness upon being employed.
If they do know about it (again from personnel experience) the response they get is either,
1) not enough time on site to allow you into the office to look at it - it's not that important,
2) can't let it onto site, it might get dirty
Has anyone else had any other responses?
If they do know about it (again from personnel experience) the response they get is either,
1) not enough time on site to allow you into the office to look at it - it's not that important,
2) can't let it onto site, it might get dirty
Has anyone else had any other responses?