4th September 2006, 12:48 PM
It is an old joke about buildings suddenly catching fire as it is raelised that there is an archaeological element to the planning condition. Indeeed a friend was telling me of a projecty he was engaged on where three 18th century building in very close proximity to one another (but not that close) burnt down over one weekend, a lightning strike being blamed for initiating the conflagration. On another matter having been engaged by a developer to undertake archaeological watching brief works following from an evaluation of a warehouse site, the client having agreed to costs and to have instructed site contractors to liase with archaeologists over timetable, imagine archaeologists surprise to get a call on following Monday morning from site contractor saying "we have dug the foundation trenches you wanna come and have a look?"
We all know it happens, it is never very funny though.
We all know it happens, it is never very funny though.