1st October 2007, 03:00 PM
I think some of the larger units are thinking co-operatively rather than competitively. Smaller units are, sadly, likely to lose out even more in the future. However the contractors are to some extent ahead of the curators in this regard, who, as many posts on this thread have made clear, are not even consistent throughout the UK. One clear issue is the need to establish parity between the different professional institutes - ie. non-UK archaeologists working in the UK should be members of the IFA... UK archaeologists working (for example) in the Netherlands should be members of the AWN (Archeologische Werkgemeenschap voor Nederland)... but are the institutes comparable?
Apologies for some of the links in my earlier post not working, I can't seem to upload the URLs correctly. Best to go to the EAA Conference 2007 website and look at the conference programme.
Apologies for some of the links in my earlier post not working, I can't seem to upload the URLs correctly. Best to go to the EAA Conference 2007 website and look at the conference programme.