2nd May 2008, 01:33 PM
Quite right..
and even with the posthole example with the primary fill (post) removed, the replacement fill once the post is removed is not a primary fill but a site formation process after the event of the original feature
sequence is:
fill of postpipe (this is not per ce a primary fill -
-----Other stuff-------taking place over time-----------
posthole cut
And yes - I hate, loathe and detest as against the natural laws of physics, any system that does not recognise that a cut is an event in its own right, and the fills of the cut could (and often do) represent a complex chronological/use/formation process that can be interrupted, cleaned out (like a roman ditch being cleaned ) and the cut must have a place within the sequence as a separate entity..
"No job worth doing was ever done on time or under budget.."
and even with the posthole example with the primary fill (post) removed, the replacement fill once the post is removed is not a primary fill but a site formation process after the event of the original feature
sequence is:
fill of postpipe (this is not per ce a primary fill -
-----Other stuff-------taking place over time-----------
posthole cut
And yes - I hate, loathe and detest as against the natural laws of physics, any system that does not recognise that a cut is an event in its own right, and the fills of the cut could (and often do) represent a complex chronological/use/formation process that can be interrupted, cleaned out (like a roman ditch being cleaned ) and the cut must have a place within the sequence as a separate entity..
"No job worth doing was ever done on time or under budget.."