22nd September 2009, 09:11 AM
Great idea David. Certainly use of the Scribd platform is one way forward. The big issue is going to be copyright, i feel. Having worked on an HER website project, we were keen to start putting grey lit online. However, as part of a county council we ran into massive problems over copyright. Even if units/individuals were very happy to grant copyright clearance, many reports still contain OS map extracts which would be a breach of copyright.
I am however very supportive of putting stuff out there. I know, for instance, Wessex Archaeology have seen a massive rise in access to and use of their grey lit now it's on Scribd.
I will definitely watch the progress of OA with interest...one of the most annoying things about leaving uni was loosing my Athens e-journal access...perhaps this can start to fill the gap!
I am however very supportive of putting stuff out there. I know, for instance, Wessex Archaeology have seen a massive rise in access to and use of their grey lit now it's on Scribd.
I will definitely watch the progress of OA with interest...one of the most annoying things about leaving uni was loosing my Athens e-journal access...perhaps this can start to fill the gap!