27th April 2010, 10:32 AM
kevin wooldridge Wrote:Allow us oldies some indulgence Dino...you know full well that in the good old days most of us could shift a fair sized site, dig several burials, draw the site plan with a nail dipped in blood and catalogue all of the finds and do it all before a hearty breakfast of lard pie and strong ale...you youngsters just don't know how lucky you are!!
BAJR Wrote:I can still draw a plan in double speed, and be accurate to the nearest gravel pebble. still set up a Total Station over a peg in 45 seconds... ready to go... still write a good context record sheet... I know what is needed for the final product, and for the final product I know what to expect...
Some of us youngsters can do all of the above as well, and in fact without complaining about their creaky joints
Mmmm... lard pie and strong ale....}