28th April 2010, 01:41 PM
Unitof1 Wrote:the code, pps5 or lpas through town and country ignore rights of landownership and are without support in statute which basically makes any statements about the creation or deposit of archive at what ever stage of its creation foundless. The primary principle of the ifa- the archaeologist shall adhere to the highest (sic) standards of ethical behaviour in conduct of archaeological affairs doesnt mean anything and nor does anything that calls its self a subsequent rule.
I think opinion is divided on the PPS and LPa's powers on this issue......between you and the rest of the world! If an LPA places a condition on planning permission that condition is a legal requirement unless overturned at appeal. As inspectors (and successive Secretarys of State) have found again and agian for the right of an LPA to place such a condition (with all its subsequent costs and requirements) on permissions it has legal status.