24th May 2010, 05:53 PM
Had a good trawl through the website and the links therein yesterday. In total, the vast majority of the info is comprised of misguided, child-like sh*te and thanks are due to Kajemby for drawing attention to the websites in question. It has to be said that the "archaeological" ingredient of this recipe is but one of a cacophany of toxins brought together in one mixing bowl. Might I propose a multi-disciplinary approach to responding to this web-phenomena? I may disagree with the garbage spouted therein but I value the right for anyone to spout it. I also feel that exposure is usually a great way to invite "vigorous" debate and as such, a way forwards would be to invite a much larger community (as opposed to archaeologists alone) to get involved in any proposed dialogue......:face-thinks::face-huh: