22nd June 2010, 10:40 AM
Dinosaur Wrote:If we got rid of all the excess students and all the support infrastructure maybe it would solve this country's financial problems, plus I'd be able to afford a house 'round where I'm living (all bought up at excessive prices for student lets). Back to the 5% I say, that'd be plenty to satisfy all the 'real' graduate jobs in this country, plus my degree would be worth something again. Very noticeable that it's the students that own all the nice cars around here too, so they don't get too much sympathy on the money front, don't seem to recall many students even owning cars when I did my degree-with-a-grant
Sorry, felt like having a rant about something :face-approve:
Not sure that getting rid of 'excess' students and infrastructure would solve this country's financial problems! - the education system also plays a role for the economy.
You were lucky to get a grant - average student debts is now meant to be in the region of ?23,500