8th February 2011, 11:46 AM
as someone who produces drawn archival material both digital and analogue i'd like to ask kevin, 1. how do you record something that is used by people of experience (oh that 'll be specialists then) to correctly identify and catigorise finds? (Photos cannot reconstruct, interpret or see in the same way as the naked eye) and 2 when programs change and/or computers all fail what are you going to do then? the physical archive is there for a reason. and if everyone is to become a jack of all trades and master of none we really are up the swany. i am not against using the cyber world but get real!!! we work with physical objects in a physical world. please stop promulgating lazy archaeology. the reasons that people speaialize is because of their experience, interest and ability. not everyone can dig and few can draw to a high enough standard for future generations to reference. do you expect digs to be done by geomatics???