10th October 2010, 08:21 AM
Quote:archaeologists who at times seem to specialise in making the very interesting very dulldamn right there, many archaeologists do everything they can to be so po faced that they forget the public love a bit of swash, buckle and derring do... some excitement some fun, some plain speaking. I often call myself the Rolf Harris of archaeology... broad populist strokes of information... it does not mean my theory is pants... it jsut means I am as happy communicating with other archaeologists in our special language (sorry Stuart... every profession needs a language) and with teh public in the factually correct, simplified but not dumb language as well.
The point of communication of ideas is not to be superior to the other person, leaving them stunned at your extensive knowledge of obscure quotes, but to communicate clearly. WE can all learn, and should relish learning new... but .. and this is where I agree with CSA we should not retreat into smaller and smaller groups unable to talk to anyone else.
ps... I do notice the ironic fun ---- We do not appreciate or feel the need for witty acronyms. ---- says the CSA..