31st October 2010, 11:13 PM
Kel Wrote:Ah, yes, the glory days when I could afford holidays. I'll have a trip down memory lane with three bottles of retsina please. You need multiples. It takes one before you stop caring that it tastes like alcoholic toilet cleaner and two before you stop noticing. You'll need the third to use as a blunt instrument when fellower travellers try to stop you dancing on the table as the bouzouki strikes up.
(That last bit might be just me).
Holiday... hmm... hol... i... day... erm.. no, must be a quaint foreign habit. Are they something worth trying?
I can get along with retsina with no problem, but ouzo is another thing. My friend's grandmother's china service suffered badly one night after we tried to bind her broken heart with verbal abuse of her ex and mass consumption of ouzo.
Prime practitioner of headology, with a side order of melting glass with a stern glare.