5th November 2010, 04:33 PM
GnomeKing Wrote:Indeed indeed - but try getting a proper 360 reiview process in place, (.....especilaly in large 'units-that-are-also-educational-charities') >> unions advocate this kind of process (or did), yet companies use continual assesment procedues soley for teh purpose of shitting on those further down the chain - excrement never rises up the hierarchy ladder (or does it?)
Definately not an easy process. If I remember correctly this issue (and several others) was alluded to at the last Dig Forum meeting I attended (London). The point you make is not unfamiliar. I'm sure many of us may have had the opportunity to work with a PO who took it upon themselves to take the time and effort to share their know how with others. Some I've known, looked after and rewarded staff for making an effort beyond what was expected. It's a small drop in a big pond, but the important thing is there are people who are willing to put themselves forward. I met a few at the Dig Forum meeting, they were IFA members, I was not. This may sound simple and patronising but I do believe that making an effort to work towards improving our profession is one worth working for. I'm sure more than a few have experience with your analogy.