29th November 2010, 06:18 PM
Quote:Well, it is about to happen... a sad day for us all, and an indicator of where we are.
Note the content of this post - for us all... an indicator.. I don't really see any direct call for your sympathy... and your comment bout me trying to get people "worked up about a seasonal blip in my advertising revenue" is slightly offensive, making it seem that all I care about. Slightly offensive given all that I do for nothing - for no other reason than I am able to... and it helps people.
Do I have sympahy for you own circumstances, well of course I can. Given an ounce of empathy. Would I fight and write if your job was threatened, well yes I would - if you let me know if it would help.
I do worry that your concerns blinker you to giving a damn about what the lack of adverts means to people in the wider archaeology fieldwork community. I can survive.. as can you... but what about other people. Give a damn Vulpes just once.