1st February 2011, 02:58 PM
Archaeology occupies my mind constantly! I don't have any particular hobbies that do this. In some respects I'd agree with Gwyl, more often than not it takes some non remunerated input on one's part to gain the skills needed to have a skill ladened tool box. I would have loved it if one of my former employers actually did follow through with CPD. The difference for me was that it was something I never counted on. Great if it happened, but I wasn't going to wait around for it. Never once in my career as an archaeologist did I ever expect that I was "owed" something. If I wanted it I had to work for it. Often circumstances i.e. variables that I had no influence on negated my performance. Off to the next contract, with the same attitude of work hard, learn, and hopefully someone in the outfit will recognise my commitment to my "hobby" and take me on full time. During the whole process though, one has to keep looking for a way forward.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.