9th February 2011, 11:56 AM
If you apply for a licence then it will stipulate that the remains should be reburied within 2 years whatever the intention of the condition was. The MoJ recently wrote to a Pagan group about their protests on the Stonehenge debate - there is a link on the www.deathandsociety.org information doc. The text of the letter can be read on that groups website http://www.eternalidol.com/?p=8211. In summery it indicates that the MoJ were granting an extension to the Stonehenge project and that the remains would be reburied afterwards, I quote from the letter "it is proposed that once the work has been completed the religious views of the Pagans and Druids will be respected and the remains reinterred".
Are they simply telling people what they want to hear, or are they genuinly dictating that the builders of stonehenge are not "important discoveries"?
I will leave that up to you to decide.
Are they simply telling people what they want to hear, or are they genuinly dictating that the builders of stonehenge are not "important discoveries"?
I will leave that up to you to decide.