4th April 2011, 10:14 AM
The planners could put a blanket requirement for archaeological consideration with all applications. Maybe any archaeologists working in that area should go to their councillors and make sure that this is the best way to go in the current circumstances. If you want big society then everybody should consider the heritage prior to application. Put a line in the decision notice. Pull the Valletta convention or PPS5. A developer with a statement from an ?archaeologist? is better than no statement at all. If a fellow archaeologist does not like the statements made by another archaeologist they could then take it to their respective associations. Without archaeological advice, without an HER and associated curators, on the planning application, the case office cannot have considered the archaeology, the case officer has to get their information from somewhere, particularly if there is a threat of appeal cases. Currently the case officers can pretend that the applications have been fully considered even though we know that there are many overstretched curators who cannot possibly have considered all the applications fully and where archaeologists are very unlikely to be able to prove easily that archaeological consideration has not been undertaken.
Reason: your past is my past