18th April 2011, 01:41 PM
Wax Wrote:All of which will exclude those who are not professionals.
None of the items/organisations in your list exclude non-professionals in any field from taking part. It will simply require the various bodies to come together and agree how this could be managed to the benefit of all concerned.
Wax Wrote:However if the public archaeology is built in at an early enough stage before the site is classed as a construction site then many of the various regs would not apply.
The regulations etc. are there to protect people from harm regardless of their relationship to a project. And before anyone introduces that favourite hoary old chestnut: archaeology is not recognised as being a ?trade? regulated under the various HSE regulations or CDMC - it doesn?t take an idiot to work out that archaeologists on even the greenest of Greenfield sites runs much the same risks as a building site worker: heavy plant machinery, trench collapse, back injuries, misuse of or poorly maintained tools. Anyone who thinks we?d be better off returning to the ?good old days? before health and safety spoiled everything is a fool.
D. Vader
Senior Consultant
Vader Maull & Palpatine
Archaeological Consultants
A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of Tony Robinson.
Senior Consultant
Vader Maull & Palpatine
Archaeological Consultants
A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of Tony Robinson.