19th May 2011, 12:26 PM
Yeah, useful list :face-approve:
Of course for those of us with access to university libraries, it would be nice if those libraries, having subscribed to on-line versions of journals, didn't then sell/destroy/hide the original paper copies and restrict the E-access to their own staff and students when some of us have paid a small fortune to them to get access to the paper copies in the first place - looking at yards of empty shelving where old favourites used to happily gather dust makes my blood boil
Of course for those of us with access to university libraries, it would be nice if those libraries, having subscribed to on-line versions of journals, didn't then sell/destroy/hide the original paper copies and restrict the E-access to their own staff and students when some of us have paid a small fortune to them to get access to the paper copies in the first place - looking at yards of empty shelving where old favourites used to happily gather dust makes my blood boil