this document is of key holistic interest - i will dissect it when i have time -
A united front is one thing > but these are not all new issues, or out teh blue > systemic problems in the proffeion remain, and may indeed be contribting to the views of ignorant MPs, financially savy Developers, and public opinion.
What is it that is being produced?
Just look, for example, at the 1974 CBA newsletter linked above - packed with info, enthusiasm, with a clear purpose, authoritative.
Now, lets delve the InterWeb for something a little more recent and compare.....a publicly accessible document archived publicly and commissioned by a council...we could probably find out how council paid for it...
how about this....http://library.thehumanjourney.net/21/1/BROXLC07.pdf
...i wont mention any names on this forum, but with Host permission (and when i have a moment) I would like to de-construct it a little, based on its structure, purpose, content, and internal logic...
I think it illustrates perfectly how our own unconsidered practice gives ammunition to those who would (perhaps even legitimately at times) seek to give Business and Industry a free hand on the Land.
"Localism" and Corporate Archaeology are strange bedfellows perhaps?
If we are going to have to have to lie down in front of the Bulldozers again, then lets not do it unconditionally in support of systems which are themselves in need of fixing. - a more extreme threats can be used to cement an already existing Bad Idea. - the damaged caused by the catastrophic loss of planning control does not mean that Privitae-Commercial-Corperate delivery of non-comodities (such as Archaeolgoy) is a Good Idea.
By protecting valuable services from the worst of the Financial Vampires, we must not forget how far there is to go to repair the damage already inflicted through commercial competition. Very easy to strengthern the status quo by rasing fears of the Undead.
this document is of key holistic interest - i will dissect it when i have time -
A united front is one thing > but these are not all new issues, or out teh blue > systemic problems in the proffeion remain, and may indeed be contribting to the views of ignorant MPs, financially savy Developers, and public opinion.
What is it that is being produced?
Just look, for example, at the 1974 CBA newsletter linked above - packed with info, enthusiasm, with a clear purpose, authoritative.
Now, lets delve the InterWeb for something a little more recent and compare.....a publicly accessible document archived publicly and commissioned by a council...we could probably find out how council paid for it...
how about this....http://library.thehumanjourney.net/21/1/BROXLC07.pdf
...i wont mention any names on this forum, but with Host permission (and when i have a moment) I would like to de-construct it a little, based on its structure, purpose, content, and internal logic...
I think it illustrates perfectly how our own unconsidered practice gives ammunition to those who would (perhaps even legitimately at times) seek to give Business and Industry a free hand on the Land.
"Localism" and Corporate Archaeology are strange bedfellows perhaps?
If we are going to have to have to lie down in front of the Bulldozers again, then lets not do it unconditionally in support of systems which are themselves in need of fixing. - a more extreme threats can be used to cement an already existing Bad Idea. - the damaged caused by the catastrophic loss of planning control does not mean that Privitae-Commercial-Corperate delivery of non-comodities (such as Archaeolgoy) is a Good Idea.
By protecting valuable services from the worst of the Financial Vampires, we must not forget how far there is to go to repair the damage already inflicted through commercial competition. Very easy to strengthern the status quo by rasing fears of the Undead.