22nd July 2011, 02:23 PM
I need help with this... please look at my quick reply and comment on better wording and or additions.
Quote:Dear Fenland District Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Fenland District Council's handling of my FOI request 'Details of Alan Meltons connections between archaeology and development'.
I was sorry to see that the requested information was not forthcoming. It is obvious that legal advice has been received and you agree yourself that this FOI is within the public interest but seem to be holding information that is prepared for legal challenge to actions on future archaeological works (or refusal).
I am also concerned about this statement a well.
"We hold no information which is relevant to this request. Please note that the Freedom of Information Act only applies to information held by the Authority and not to that held by individual politicians."
I find this disingenuous, given that Cllr Melton was speaking as Leader of the Fenland Council and relating actions that he intended to enact within the Council Planning Policy.
His exact statement (and within it clearly states this is a policy statement) "This is my first major policy speech "
"I can announce tonight, that from the 1st July. A requirement for an archaeological dig/survey will not be required. The requirement will no longer feature at pre-app. Or form part of the committee agenda.
With one exception, in local known historical areas, such as next to a 1000 year old church.
Common sense will prevail. Neale Wade springs to mind.
The bunny huggers won’t like this, but if they wish to inspect a site, they can do it when the footings are being dug out."
This is clearly a policy statement and I find it impossible to comprehend that the Leader of Fenland Council has not discussed this with other council members within the normal protocol of council business. Your response suggests that this was the action of an individual, rather than a prepared council policy - in which case either; Cllr Melton's speech was inaccurate and the authority had no prior knowledge of his intentions OR the Authority carries out dramatic policy changes which are potentially illegal without the proper consultation required.
I will appeal this refusal as there is clearly a reasonable grounds for a transparent answer.
with kind regards.
David Connolly
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
David Connolly